Cementitious – LATICRETE


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AQUA BARRIER is a cementitious waterproof slurry comprising of a liquid polymer and cement based powder. When mixed together and applied, it cures to a flexible seamless waterproof/anti-fracture membrane. It has been designed to protect cement-based plasters and concrete, including those on grade.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy to apply, two component waterproofing
  • Extremely flexible
  • Prevents carbonation of concrete
  • Crack suppression and anti-fracture protection of up to 1 mm over shrinkage and other nonstructural cracks
  • Ideal for balconies, terraces, and pools with use of AQUA BARRIER NET
  • Conforms to EN 14891 CM P


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AQUA BARRIER RDY is the ultimate protection against water infiltration, effective even in case of negative hydraulic pressure. Its polymer fortified, cement-based formula has been designed to protect cement-based plasters and concrete, including those on grade, against degradation and mechanical decay often caused by carbonation and aggressive agents.

AQUA BARRIER RDY can be used for both vertical and horizontal applications.

Features & Benefits

  • For interior and exterior use
  • Single component — just add water
  • Easy to apply — applies quickly with a brush
  • Bonds to difficult foundations
  • Resistant to negative hydraulic pressure ≤1.5 bar
  • Prevents degradation and carbonation of concrete
  • Crack suppression and anti-fracture protection
  • Ideal for balconies, terraces, pools with use of AQUA BARRIER NET
  • Conforms to EN 14891 CM P

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